
eBay Registration Suspension – 真正被ebay停權的通知信

原本還以為是哪裡來的老掉牙詐騙信,剛好今天想到香港找看看有沒有便宜的 DLSR 鏡頭時,登入 ebay 才發現到,靠… 真的被停權了,通知信如下:

Dear xxxxxx(xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx),Your eBay account has been suspended. eBay took this action after determining that your account was acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of our policies.

You are prohibited from using eBay in any way. This includes using another existing account or registering a new account.

Any seller fees that are still owed are due to eBay immediately. eBay will charge any amounts that you have not previously disputed to the billing method that is currently on file.


eBay Trust & Safety

立即寫信去詢問 eBay 香港客服,結果還真是令人噴飯 @@… 何時台灣已經快變黑客滿天跑,需要用這種手段來”封存”使用者呢 ? 話說回來了,想復權嗎 ? 那就先準備好證件及貴貴的國際傳真,這才”有機會”續用您的帳號哦!


您好!歡迎您的來信! 很高興有機會回答您的疑問。 感謝您的來信,目前由於臺灣用戶帳戶頻繁受到黑客的侵入,利用盜用的帳戶進行詐騙。為了保護用戶的個人信息及帳戶安全,目前對部分臺灣用戶的帳戶將進行一定的封存。如果閣下有意在eBay上繼續交易請發送郵件至crossbordercn@ebay.com 咨詢,我們將提供您解除限制的方式。給您帶來的不便我們深表歉意。謝謝。香港 eBay 客戶服務代表

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